Saturday 5 March 2016

State of Play: Armored Warfare PvP 03.05.2016

So, I decided, starting today, I will launch a series called State of Play: Armored Warfare PvP and here's how it will work.

Although I am mostly a PvE player in Armored Warfare, I do venture out into the realm of PvP, every once in a while. Once a week, on a random day, at a random time, I will take a vehicle out of my garage and queue into the player-only occupied environment. I could be solo or platooned. There will be no commentary, no editing, nothing but a video in the raw, including the date and timestamp.

Also, I won't be cherry picking the videos either, the first battle played will be the one captured and uploaded to my YouTube channel, win, lose or draw.

This series will serve two purposes. First, it will be a snapshot of what other PvP players go through, from the number of people in queue, tiers and time it really took to get in, at that particular moment. Secondly, I want to see if I have either the skills or blind luck to play successfully in this environment and learn from the videos where things went wrong, or how it was won.

Today's battle consisted of choosing my tier III, Veteran T-62 and the map Port Storm. Here is the video

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