Sunday 20 March 2016

I hope six out of five works

With one more day to go before the weekend winners are announced, I put in some effort for my third and final entry before that recipients list comes out.

I can't say why, but I found myself gravitating back down to tier IV in Armored Warfare and the Chinese Type 69-II during this event. Perhaps, since I just finished getting my tier VI T-72A over the 50% mark, I must be subconsciously wanting to climb up Zhang's tree.... 

....and it would seem I wasn't the only one, either. This struck me as a pretty rare sight, seeing this many Chinese vehicles in the same match, so long after the third dealer was introduced to the game.

To top that, all of us were on the dreaded Starry Night map, which I never had a chronic problem with. Granted, I have been defeated here before, a few times now, but every team I am on here with does something a little different from the last one to the next one. Sometimes, the action works in our favor and for those few other times, sorry, try again.

This time around, it was me was wasn't playing up to their full potential. I spent most of my time experimenting with different positions, attempting to change up my battlefield action coverage. Yeah, not producing very favorable results.

The good part was I had a solid team that showed they knew what to do. Not a single casualty, but I did come in at the bottom of the list on the after action report.

After a good run of four battles, I logged out for some real world time, like feeding this hungry player.

After that whole consuming-of-the-food-thing, I came back and had a look at what upgrades could be performed. From the amount of banked up reputation, I would seem I have been neglecting this part and went about making things right.

In fact, I was able to almost fully complete all the upgrades. Not bad for not paying attention. 

Another two, good return battles closed out my night and should secure this entry for the raffle draw.

I wonder if my name will pop up this time?


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