Tuesday 15 March 2016

On to the next Type

It seems it was only yesterday I broke into Zhang's line with the tier III Type 59. This vehicle lived up to my expectations, since I already owned the premium, Type 59 Legend that was given out (well, earned after completing five battles) around New Years.

As much as I wanted to end the grind on a high note, it just wasn't meant to be. I am not exactly sure why, but the regular version seems to suffer from a damage deficiency. I can penetrate pretty much everything I point the cannon at, it's the damage I cause that's always a disappointment.  

Now, it's time to advance to the next tier with the Type 69-II. Other than headlight placement and the cage around the turret, not much of a visual departure from the 59 before it.

A switchout of commanders, a splash of paint and a retrofit, I was ready for the first battle. Check it out here  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAoWPmMY2IA

It wasn't until the battle was over I decided to check the attributes of the 69 vs 59.

Hmmm....who knew?

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