Saturday 30 April 2016


The first impression that Sabrina Washington got from Min-ji Pho was she wasn't going to be a good fit. Granted, there were moments of unsurety when she met met Isabella and Dominika, but that soon past and they had proven themselves to her, in a very short order. Min just seemed to make this feel....awkward.

Sabrina glanced over to her right, Isabella was looking back with a blank face. Then, she looked to her left, Dominika was sipping her coffee and staring ahead to Min. Sabrina brought her eyes back to the middle, Min met her gaze. Awkward indeed.

Although it had been only ten minutes of real time, it felt more like an hour long episode of one of those most uncomfortable moments a person can have. Sabrina had asked the usual questions, like where are you from, would did you do before joining the company, etc. The answers back were militant, sharp and short one or two word answers. None of the openness of long and detailed responses. Perhaps, she just doesn't have a way with words?

It was Min's body language that said more than her mouth did. She sat there, arms crossed and her body straight up and down, legs locked together. Very much like she was an angry child who was getting a discipline lecture. No, more like a criminal refusing to cooperate with an interview.

For whatever reason that Sabrina couldn't put her finger on, Min was making it extremely difficult to want to connect with her. Perhaps, it might have been the choice to have this conversation in a public place? A coffee shop usually relaxes people, talking being drowned out in a sea of multiple discussions, lessening the chance of being overheard by others. However, the interpreted signals being sent, both subtle and obvious, announced that she really didn't want to be there and all of this was wasting her precious time.

Sabrina had enough and informed Min that there wasn't anything more for now. Min got up and left without saying a word. Sabrina looked to her right and asked Isabella, "Your thoughts, Izzy?'

"I believe she needs to partake in some deep, meaningful sex," was her unexpected response, that almost made Dominika spew out her mouthful of coffee. Sabrina fought back an outburst of laughter, at both instances. Swallowing hard, Dominika added, "Bad....attitude."

Sabrina felt somewhat comforted by the fact that her crew, her friends, got a similar read from Min as she did. However, Ms. Personality would have to start changing things real fast in order to be a valued member of this exclusive club, Sabrina thought to herself.

In fact, very soon, Min-ji Pho had better start to become a totally different person, or else....

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