Wednesday 27 April 2016


Even over the mind numbing drone of the four Hercules' engines, the ringer on the satellite phone could be heard with surprising clarity. A shadowy figure reached across their chest and pulled it out their left vest pocket. Looking at the display, they recognized the number. The low sigh couldn't be heard, thanks in part to the ongoing noise.

A touch of a few buttons and the encryption process began and the phone was lifted to their ear. A voice from the other side was soon heard.

"Status report?" a very demanding tone from Joshua Cowen came through.

An electronic scrambled voice replied back to him, "The subject has been accepted into their new surroundings and employment. The asset is being integrated as we speak."

"How soon?" asked Cowen.

"You have paid for my services in this matter, therefore, I will dictate the timeline for completion." Even through the electronic disguise, one could have picked up on the slightly annoyed tone.

"I want this over as quickly as possible, this loose end shouldn't be allow to continue to consume any more of my time," Cowen responded in kind.

Another unheard sigh, "Time is one of the tools of my trade, rushing a task to satisfy some instant gratification has shown to be very reckless and unwise in the past," a pause, "Once again, you have paid for my services, allow me to finish this assignment without further interruptions and you will enjoy the satisfactory results."

The figure disconnected, replaced the phone back into the pocket and said in a low voice, "Americans, always so impatient to have somebody killed."

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