Tuesday 12 April 2016

Just Ariete-ing around

Put in a few hours in Armored Warfare, platooned with my friend, F50ACE. Although we bounced back and forth between tier VI through VIII, we spent a good chunk of that time in our Arietes.

Unfortunately, nothing really spectacular happened. Most of our PvE matches were our usual standard running and executed victories. Although ACE made mention of having a....difficult time before I came on, seems with both of us paired up, those....issues were scared off. Perhaps, the people he was playing with just went to bed, who knows.

There was one odd thing that did occur during one of our battles, I witnessed something I had never seen before. In the screenshot above, you can clearly see an artillery piece being destroyed by a teammate. What made this such a strange occurrence for me was, I observed it spawning into it's short existence within the capture area. 

An almost comical end to that same battle, ACE and I were bookends on the results roster.

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