Sunday 24 April 2016

Insipred by road sign

So, I was driving around in the real world one day, gawking out the windows and taking in the local scenery and landmarks, when I came across what is shown above. Needless to say, I had to snap a picture of it.

Which got me to thinking. I have been spending a lot of my time in the upper tiers in Armored Warfare, neglecting some of my other I-used-to-use-it-a-lot mid tier collection. Namely, my well-earned tier V premium Chieftain Mk VI.

Here is a flashback to the first day I got it and the first battle with it (including it staring in one of my earlier videos)

So, thanks to a road sign, I have taken a trip back down to the mid tiers and took the Chieftain Mk VI out for a spin, with the results here

So, keep an eye out for this in the future, since I have decided to turn it into a sub-series, appearing whenever I am in the mood to roll out in the mid tiers. It could be a PvE or a PvP battle I select, hard to say when and where I go with this.

But, I will follow the same format as before, the first battle played, win, lose or draw, will be the video created.


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