Saturday, 30 April 2016


The first impression that Sabrina Washington got from Min-ji Pho was she wasn't going to be a good fit. Granted, there were moments of unsurety when she met met Isabella and Dominika, but that soon past and they had proven themselves to her, in a very short order. Min just seemed to make this feel....awkward.

Sabrina glanced over to her right, Isabella was looking back with a blank face. Then, she looked to her left, Dominika was sipping her coffee and staring ahead to Min. Sabrina brought her eyes back to the middle, Min met her gaze. Awkward indeed.

Although it had been only ten minutes of real time, it felt more like an hour long episode of one of those most uncomfortable moments a person can have. Sabrina had asked the usual questions, like where are you from, would did you do before joining the company, etc. The answers back were militant, sharp and short one or two word answers. None of the openness of long and detailed responses. Perhaps, she just doesn't have a way with words?

It was Min's body language that said more than her mouth did. She sat there, arms crossed and her body straight up and down, legs locked together. Very much like she was an angry child who was getting a discipline lecture. No, more like a criminal refusing to cooperate with an interview.

For whatever reason that Sabrina couldn't put her finger on, Min was making it extremely difficult to want to connect with her. Perhaps, it might have been the choice to have this conversation in a public place? A coffee shop usually relaxes people, talking being drowned out in a sea of multiple discussions, lessening the chance of being overheard by others. However, the interpreted signals being sent, both subtle and obvious, announced that she really didn't want to be there and all of this was wasting her precious time.

Sabrina had enough and informed Min that there wasn't anything more for now. Min got up and left without saying a word. Sabrina looked to her right and asked Isabella, "Your thoughts, Izzy?'

"I believe she needs to partake in some deep, meaningful sex," was her unexpected response, that almost made Dominika spew out her mouthful of coffee. Sabrina fought back an outburst of laughter, at both instances. Swallowing hard, Dominika added, "Bad....attitude."

Sabrina felt somewhat comforted by the fact that her crew, her friends, got a similar read from Min as she did. However, Ms. Personality would have to start changing things real fast in order to be a valued member of this exclusive club, Sabrina thought to herself.

In fact, very soon, Min-ji Pho had better start to become a totally different person, or else....

Friday, 29 April 2016

If you can't beat them....

So, after taking a hard, long look at the last PvP battle with my premium tier V Chieftain Mk VI I decided to purchase a small amount of gold to add something new to my garage.

Where I went wrong with my Chief was by not trying to push the corner, in a more aggressive attempt to flank the two enemy 1224's that were holding me back. Under the onslaught, my armor wouldn't hold out for very long, especially without support. The second part, I was having a very difficult time dealing out any significant damage to them, but I did hurt them a little.

Since I think I have more success with vehicles that use thicker armor is their main attribute, I decided that I should put one from the same category into the mid tiers. Plus, with a sale on, why not?

Already, the 1224 appears to have a lot of what I am looking for, but this is something I have known for quite a while now

Needless to say, I finally took the plunge and got one. However, it is more so for those adventures in PvP land than fighting against bots, since I found my performance in the Chief....disappointing, to say the least.

That first battle with my new 1224 was a disaster, but I know where I did a great many things wrong. First, I overlooked or took for granted, depending on how you look at things, my crew. Up until now, I have only acquired special edition premiums, blessed with level 5 crews, just waiting to be trained. I don't get that luxury with the 1224, they start with nothing.

Secondly and most importantly, I just played recklessly. I was overconfident with having thicker frontal armor and allowed myself to falsely believe I was unstoppable. Much like how I operate my Challenger 1/Challenger 1 WOLF.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

State of Play: Armored Warfare PvP 04.28.2016

Chieftain Rd and this time, I take out the premium Mk VI into the realm of PvP on Ghost Field. Not too much more to say, so here is the video

Wednesday, 27 April 2016


Even over the mind numbing drone of the four Hercules' engines, the ringer on the satellite phone could be heard with surprising clarity. A shadowy figure reached across their chest and pulled it out their left vest pocket. Looking at the display, they recognized the number. The low sigh couldn't be heard, thanks in part to the ongoing noise.

A touch of a few buttons and the encryption process began and the phone was lifted to their ear. A voice from the other side was soon heard.

"Status report?" a very demanding tone from Joshua Cowen came through.

An electronic scrambled voice replied back to him, "The subject has been accepted into their new surroundings and employment. The asset is being integrated as we speak."

"How soon?" asked Cowen.

"You have paid for my services in this matter, therefore, I will dictate the timeline for completion." Even through the electronic disguise, one could have picked up on the slightly annoyed tone.

"I want this over as quickly as possible, this loose end shouldn't be allow to continue to consume any more of my time," Cowen responded in kind.

Another unheard sigh, "Time is one of the tools of my trade, rushing a task to satisfy some instant gratification has shown to be very reckless and unwise in the past," a pause, "Once again, you have paid for my services, allow me to finish this assignment without further interruptions and you will enjoy the satisfactory results."

The figure disconnected, replaced the phone back into the pocket and said in a low voice, "Americans, always so impatient to have somebody killed."

Tuesday, 26 April 2016


For a private military base, this particular office was lavishly furnished. Fine Persian rugs, pottery and sculptures of ancient and priceless origins and other little not-so-subtle touches that seemed to suit the expensive tastes of Petre Sabri. Even the chairs, on the other side of his exquisite desk, reserved for visitors, each cost the same price as a compact car.

Sabrina Washington was sitting in one of those very chairs, smelling the air, which reminded her of the scent of money. From the other side of the desk, Petre was flipping through the pages of a file folder in front of him. He stood and walked towards the window behind his own chair, a throne from some dead and forgotten Sultan, no doubt. With his back to her, he cross his arms in front of his chest and spoke.

"I have read through your evaluation and I am pleasantly impressed. You have well above average scores in many fields, both natural and learned." As he turned Sabrina had been replaced with Isabella Riberio. She didn't like this office very much, reminded her too much of being home, a place she wasn't in a big hurry to go back to anytime soon. Petre turned and slowly lowered himself into his chair, and read through the folder a little more.

"Not to sound like a sexist, but I haven't seen results like this from a man in a long time, never from a woman." He looked up and straight into the eyes of Dominika Volkova. She smiled, not a happy one, but one of those you do when you can't think of anything to say, that would fit the mood or conversation. Petre paused, trying to get a read from the person in front of him, but decided he wanted this to hurry along to a quick conclusion. He stood again, walked to the window and looked out, placing his hand behind his back.

"Although an individual can be strong on their own, being part of a team can enhance the learned and natural abilities of everyone on it," he said, pause and continued, "However, sometimes changing a team dynamic can do more harm than good." He turned from the window and faced the person in the visitor's chair.

A young woman, showing obvious Asian features was looking back at him. Although she had fairly short, black hair, it was her long bangs that looked....sloppy. Dark brown eyes peered back at Petre as he asked, "Well Ms. Pho, will you add strength to this team or take away the energy from this proven, cohesive unit?"

Min-ji Pho, of South Korea, answered him with a tone of confidence that might have got a raised eyebrow response from Isabella Riberio, "I believe the team will only get better, with me as the essential addition."


Monday, 25 April 2016

Now, for the official numbers

Armored Warfare released the official results from Panzer Showdown. I had this feeling that PvE would be the mode of choice to use, when that option is made available to the playerbase. Some of the vehicles that were shown, used the most by players, caught me off guard.

Mark May 3rd on your calendar, update 0.15 and the first round of tier X's are coming (provided there are no setbacks for deployment). Read more about it here

The end of Panzer Showdown

Here was the first picture I posted of Armored Warfare's Panzer Showdown. I think I was one of the first ten people to throw their hat into the ring for The Remnant (and, if I wasn't, don't tell me, I want to believe I was).

Here are the final, but unofficial numbers. My low contribution comes from the fact I have had a very busy time in the real world during the event. However, it seems that revenge won out over cold and calculating, honorable and virtuous.

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Insipred by road sign

So, I was driving around in the real world one day, gawking out the windows and taking in the local scenery and landmarks, when I came across what is shown above. Needless to say, I had to snap a picture of it.

Which got me to thinking. I have been spending a lot of my time in the upper tiers in Armored Warfare, neglecting some of my other I-used-to-use-it-a-lot mid tier collection. Namely, my well-earned tier V premium Chieftain Mk VI.

Here is a flashback to the first day I got it and the first battle with it (including it staring in one of my earlier videos)

So, thanks to a road sign, I have taken a trip back down to the mid tiers and took the Chieftain Mk VI out for a spin, with the results here

So, keep an eye out for this in the future, since I have decided to turn it into a sub-series, appearing whenever I am in the mood to roll out in the mid tiers. It could be a PvE or a PvP battle I select, hard to say when and where I go with this.

But, I will follow the same format as before, the first battle played, win, lose or draw, will be the video created.


Saturday, 23 April 2016


It wasn't the surplus M113 that rushed from the local flora that gave Sabrina Washington cause for concern, it was the M48 Patton that followed it out. A few carefully aimed or flat-out lucky shots from that old 90 mm cannon could prove to be....deadly.

"Dommy, evade back," Sabrina called into her microphone, followed with, "Izzy, target tank, 12 o'clock, load AP." Once Dominika Volkova heard the order from her commander, she eased the controls and throttle, reversing the Italian loaner tank they were currently in, starting a backwards zig-zag maneuver. Isabella Riberio, at the same time, loaded the requested shell, slammed the breach closed and called back, "Up." With the turret already facing the right direction, she just dialed in the distance between them. She yelled, peering through the sight, making a final adjustment, "Identified."

Sabrina ordered, "Izzy, "Fire." With that, the Italian 105 mm cannon thundered a shell towards the old American tank, penetrating through the turret ring, just below the gun mantle and above the driver's compartment. Smoke started to slowly seep out the open wound.

However, the Patton returned fire and the OF-40 that Sabrina and crew were in, shock violently with the impact.  The moment she saw the muzzle flash, Sabrina closed her eyes tight, in an attempt to force her hearing to become more sensitive. She smiled to herself, that was not a sound of a penetrating shot, Dominika had the tank angled just right on impact, a ricochet.

"Izzy, target same, load HEAT," Sabrina called out. Isabella, once again, went through the motions and replied, "Up." Peering through the scope, she lined up the cross-hairs on the first hole produced by the armor piercing round, "Identified." The Patton continued to charge straight towards them, making this almost too easy.

"Izzy, Fire," Sabrina returned and the cannon roared. The Patton exploded, sending pieces of it's turret high up into the air, the HEAT round flew straight and true into the hole and detonated the ordinance inside. The old American tank stopped in it's....tracks. With the tension of that threat now removed, the crew could now clearly hear something that was drowned out and forgotten about, the remaining M113.

"Dommy, evade back," repeated Sabrina, while Dominika continued to work the controls. Sabrina peered through her scope and ordered, "Izzy, target APC, 9 o'clock, load HE." Like an old habit, Isabella went through the motions, "Up," peered into her scope, "Identified."

As the surplus vehicle exploded outside, Sabrina reviewed the very busy past few days they all had. First, after contacting Philipp Holzklau and returning a reassembled potential candidate offer, triple signed, they were whisked away to somewhere in the Middle East. After they were given a rushed briefing, issued a completely foreign vehicle that was optimally crewed by four people, they were set loose on an mock oil refinery to shoot it out with remote controlled enemies.

Over the headphones of the OF-40 crew, the heavily accented voice of Petre Sabri could be heard, "Now....please give me back my tank."

Friday, 22 April 2016

News and Sports

Before I get to the sports part of things, here is the news. Seems the Armored Warfare is having not only a sale
but, a buy one (or, already one one) and get another for free (later, after update 0.15 drops)

Something I can't quite get my head around these days, it seem the first battle I queue up for is a defeat. It appears that choice of vehicle isn't a factor, but I have kept a close eye on the maps and Tsunami is one for me to start avoiding, if I see it in rotation.See an example of what I am talking about here

Another trend that had developed, most battles after that first loss turn into wins? Not that I am complaining, but I can't help if something fishy is going on with me, or not. No, not a tinfoil hat theory, merely putting words to my suspicious thoughts.

The upside, my Type 80-II has finally crossed the first halfway mark. Now, for the other half....

Thursday, 21 April 2016


The once organized package that made up the potential candidate offer, had been disassembled and spread out on the coffee table in the living room. From their respective couches, Sabrina Washington and Isabella Riberio were both sitting on the edges of the cushioning and hunched over the table, reading through the now loose pages.

Sitting very much like she had been all day, Dominika Volkova watched her two roommates comb through the papers. She would occasionally glance down at her lap, the tablet was still transmitting a live feed from strategically remote cameras. She had been assured there weren't going to be any future encounters with strangers, that phase of their operation had passed. However, Dominika held on to her suspicions and continued to monitor things.

"It would seem these people are a lot more generous then our former employer," Isabella said, breaking the silence while still reading a page. Sabrina brought her paper down from her face, "I swear, even working at a fast food joint would have paid better than working for that old crotchety fossil."

Dominika gazed at Sabrina, seeing a look of disgust on her face. It must have been part of her own way of reliving her last meeting with Mr. Cowen. As she continued to look at her, she felt happy and safe to be in this room, with both of these women. She hoped they felt the same way about her too.

The story of Sabrina that she had pieced together to this point, goes something like this; she comes from a family steeped in military history, her father had been an electronics specialist in the U.S. Navy, her mother had some clerical job at Naval Base San Diego, back in America. She also recalled Sabrina was the second child of five with an older brother in the Navy, her other siblings were in colleges or universities, with no desire to be in any armed forces.

Dominika was lacking in knowledge about Sabrina's Army experience. She claimed to have scored well enough to get enlisted, passing the battery of tests one has to go through before making out the other side of basic training. The rest of this story has been a mysteriously guarded secret. The only indicator that it wasn't a good time was the once, overheard comment of, "The bastard had it coming."

"Are you feeling left out that we didn't bring any company back for you, Dommy?" asked Isabella, wearing her deadpan, humor face. Dominika responded in kind, "Yeah....lonely." All three women laughed.

Isabella was a person who shouldn't be sitting in this room, Dominika almost thought, once. She had been born into a very wealthy family, her mother was a fashion designer, her father marketed the clothing brand and managed the family finances. She had one older sister who would go on to model the very clothes her family made on the runways of Paris, London and other major centers of the world. Isabella chose not to go down that path, or any other of her family's choosing.

Educated in the very best private schools in Spain, Isabella possessed impeccable deportment and etiquette, but that has been mostly suppressed through a lot of conscience effort. However, she still picks her words carefully before speaking, only on that rare occasion does her mouth speak without her mind's consent. Definitely an awkward moment to be in attendance for.

It wasn't until very recently that Dominika found out why Isabella had left a life where she could have anything she wanted, go anywhere she wanted and do all the same, it was boring. Her life lacked any adventure, no skill testing scenarios, no sense of value from living off money she didn't personally earn. So, she left her comfortable life behind and went down the hard way highway.

Isabella stated she spent a few years learning and living it rough. She enrolled into things like  Keysi Fighting Method, Sevillian Steel and started practicing her shooting skills at the estates of Los Melonares. That was during the summer months, during the winter, she would train and execute her biathlon skills in the Tablón mountain range. All of these activities confused and worried her parents, but she reassured them she would be safe and there was nothing to fear. She had started to become good at lying.

Dominika looked again to Sabrina, she was the leader, without any doubt. Then, a glance back to Isabella, the perfectionist who kept pushing her own limits, without breaking her stride nor missing a shot. Then, gazing down at her two Grach pistols, she was the driver and field mechanic. However, there were a few, unrevealed skills that could come into play, if needed. 

When she looked up, two things happened. First, both Sabrina and Isabella were staring at her, smiling. The second thing, a familiar deep, but gentle voice spoke to her. "Family is a cause worth killing for," her dead father said in Russian, inside her head.

Dominika smiled back and replied silently to Dimitri Volkova, "Yes is."

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

The first defeat of the day

Seems I captured my first battle on the new laptop and I wasn't even aware I had done so. Nevertheless, if you want a good cry or laugh, check it out here

A couple of swings with a new bat and miss the ball entirely

After a few days of dealing with real world stuff (very little time for gaming, but maintained my login bonus streak and posting more of the story), I have been able to get back into Armored Warfare.

Moving more into mobile gaming, I have started over with new laptop, check out the specs here After installing the launcher and game client, I thought I was good to go.

Sadly, my first battle out was a major disappointment. Perhaps it was my system working things out for the first time?

Nope, it was confirmed I was the problem here, either poor play or the wrong time of day choice of using my Ariete, or even both.

The old saying goes, third times the charm and this time, everything turned out right. Amazing what a couple of day can do to a person.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Reflections ***Reader Discretion Advised***

"I am part of a cause worth dying for," were the words Dominika Volkova heard in Isabella Riberio's voice. "Family is a cause worth killing for," came from the deep, but soft voice of her dead father.

Dimitri Volkova had always wanted a son. So life, in all of it's viewed cruel ironies, gave him twin girls, Sonya and Petra. A few years later, he and his wife tried again, but a third, last girl put an end to that dream. He picked the name Dominika for her.

Despite the disappointments, Miri, Dimitri's wife and mother to his children, tried to be the best spouse to her husband that she could be. She set about her tasks of cooking, cleaning, raising the children and all the activities one would expect from a good country Russian wife.

Contrary to popular belief, vodka doesn't just come from potatoes. On a modest sized farm outside of Moscow, Dimitri had scratched out part of a living growing and selling wheat to a local vodka producer.  At least, the was the appearance presented of what he did for a livelihood.

From her first memories and going forward for many years, Dominika remembered life on the farm as the happy times. Her parents never lost their tempers at each other or the children. The kind and nurturing household would be envied by many, if people even knew this family existed. Dimitri went to great lengths to protect them from any public scrutiny or even causal curiosity.

Dimitri himself, was a hard man to hide in a crowd. Towering over six and a half feet tall and with a muscular physique that appeared to come from wrestling Russian bears in winter time, this would be enough to get certain people not to want to pick a fight with him. With a bushy black mustache, deep and dark brown eyes, finished off with jet black hair, always combed straight back, you could get the idea he was Russian Man personified.

Miri was completely the opposite. Barely over five feet and thin like a broomstick, she appeared frail and highly vulnerable to a stiff wind, let along what life had and would throw at her. However, she bore three children to a man almost three times her size and could run the domestic activities on the farm and still have enough strength left over for....other things, when the sun went down and the children were asleep.

Both Sonya and Petra started to follow in their mother's footsteps, learning how to become good country women, by looking after the house and home. But, once they both entered grade school, their involvement around the house lessened, since it was viewed as old fashioned by their peers.

Dominika took a different path. Instead of helping out inside the house, she spent most of her early childhood outside. More specifically, the barn where the farm equipment was parked when not in use. At first, she would watch her father work on the tractors, combines and grain trucks. Later, she would cut her teeth on oil changes and lubes. By the time she started grade school, she could rebuild a small gas engine, with help of course.

"Deadman switch, wireless trigger and I am laying on it," Isabella said, snapping Dominika back to reality. In the here and now, she was sitting on her couch, in the living room of the apartment, looking down at her lap, watching a multi-screen-in-one live feed on her tablet. In each hand, twin Grach pistols were at the ready, a round chambered and the safeties off. 

She drifted back in time to when she first saw the weapons she was holding now. Long after her mother was diagnosed with cancer and losing her fight less than a month later. Her sisters had gone off to university, to become nurses and she was just finishing high school. After her graduation ceremony, she was invited to a house party with some of her classmates.

It was there she met a college freshman, who wowed and dazzled her with attention. Of course, alcohol came into play. Dominika had never drank before, therefore, her tolerance level for the effects it would have were quite low. She was a very cheap and easy drunk, something her new friend took advantage of. He lead her upstairs to an empty bedroom, closed the door and used his own body to pin her to the bed. Her clothes were violently torn away and he forced himself into her. She was helpless to fight back.

The next morning, she awoke in the same bed, in pain she had never felt before and couldn't move because of it. She cried out and a classmate, whose parent's owned the the house, woke with a start and rushed over, opening the door. The scene was something out of a horror movie.

A short time later, Dimitri arrived, hurried by the phone call he had received. He entered the room and embraced his wounded daughter. His eyes inspected her body, what he could see of it, the bruises were already forming. He kept his anger in check, asking questions in a gentle, comforting tone. His child surrendered all that she knew, which wasn't much. Later, he interviewed the classmate who found her, supplying him with the information he was seeking. Then, he took Dominika home.

That night, she awoke in her own bed, because of a scream from the barn.  A man's scream. Slowly, painfully, she made her way from her bedroom, down the stairs and out to the building in question. Upon opening a side door, she was shocked with what she saw. Handing from a rafter was two lengths of chain, with hooks on the ends, sticking through the shoulders of the boy from the night before, feet dangling a few feet from the ground. His eyes widened in horror when he saw her.

Dimitri told his daughter to go back to bed, in his ever even and comforting tone. She asked her father what he was planning to do to the boy, now hanging in the barn. He answered with words she never heard her father utter before, make him suffer then kill him. A switch was flicked inside Dominika's head.

It took three days for that boy to die, but Dominika learned more about the human anatomy than her sisters ever would. She studied under her father, just how much pain a person can endure, before passing out. Her father was....professional about it, never speaking to the young man as he performed his actions. The only voice that could be heard from that barn was the lone college freshman pleading for his life, then begging for death. Two pistols, fired simultaneously, ended the misery. She had been the angel of mercy, firing guns for the first time.

Dominika returned to modern times, looking down at the tablet on her lap, nothing to set any alarms off was going on. She glanced at the pistol in her left hand and engraved on top of the slide was the word Mercy, in Russian. The right hand held Redemption. She sat between them, wielding power that could change or end lives, much like her father did.

After the remains of the college boy was disposed of, Dimitri confided to his daughter the full scope of his past. in a single night. Starting off being a young and stupid young man in Afghanistan, then a slightly older, yet no wiser man in Chechnya and various other places over the years. She asked him if he had killed people. His reply was, "Yes....many," with a single tear falling.

Many years later, she would return home after a trip to see a little bit of Europe. Upon her arrival, strange men, dressed in black, had taken over and secured the farm. For the second time in her life, Uncle Marat would be there, the first time was when her mother past and the funeral. He informed her a heart attack had take her father. She embraced him and cried, he supported her and grieved. A promise was made to keep the farm running by trusted people, if she wished to leave and see the world. Dominika believed the sincerity of the offer and accepted.

Reality snapped back into being when Isabella's voice crackled over her earpiece, "Sparrow, Skybound." Dominka replied, "Copy....Eagle."

Monday, 18 April 2016


The reflection in the strategically placed convex mirror was showing Isabella Riberio something she was expecting, the rooftop access door to her far right side, was slowly opening.

With one eye still looking through the scope of the rifle, trained on the blue eyed male currently conversing with Sabrina Washington, her other eye was also observing the new movements being captured in the mirror. The achy feeling of laying on her stomach for so long was being quickly overwritten by a new infusion of adrenaline, her body was preparing for whatever was coming next.

Isabella watched as a tall, thin figure, dressed head to toe in black, emerged from the darkness of the doorway. A pistol with a silencer was already up and in position from straight and steady arms, pointed at her head. The figure seemed unaware that they had been noticed and carefully crept towards her, loose gravel shifting under their footsteps.

She held her position, not to give away the fact that she knew somebody was there, startling the new arrival into making a serious mistake, like a fatal one for her. Cautious step by step, the figure approached, pistol trained on her head, as she continued to watch two things at the same time.

"Far enough," Isabella said, breaking the moment in a very unexpected way for the figure. They froze immediately, like a child caught with there hand in the cookie jar, except with a gun. The figure was close enough for Isabella to make out the only facial feature she could see through the balaclava, brown eyes.

"Can I help you?" asked Isabella, almost sounding like a flight attendant pushing a food cart on a plane. The look from the figure was almost funny, except for the gun pointed at her. They stood there, such a short distance away from her, their eyes scanning around to find what had given their presence away. They spotted the tiny mirror.

The figure spoke, "My aren't you a clever girl," in a voice like a high, shaky whisper. Isabella, having not moved an inch since this encounter started, replied with, "If you stick around for a while, you will find I am just full of surprises."

The figure took in the scene. The woman was laying prone on a high cot and dressed in a nearly identical fashion. Black one piece combat jumpsuit with the trouser bottoms bloused atop the black combat boots. They differed in one area, they were wearing a balaclava, she wasn't hiding her identity, wearing a black, nondescript baseball cap, brim forward. Next thing they noted, she was holding a high powered rifle, with it's long barrel inserted through a hole, drilled through the masonry. They knew she couldn't just pull the rifle out and fire a shot at them, she didn't have that luxury of time. Due to how everything was positioned out, all the figure could see was her right side, but with no visible sign of a belt, strongly indicated no holster, hence no sidearm.

Isabella could always feel when people were looking at her and judging on how this person was inspecting her, not only were they looking for any sign of weapons, she deduced this a man taking the opportunity for a bit of eye candy, something that comes from observing the physical curves of an attractive woman. "Enjoying the view?" she asked, never moving her eyes from the scope of the rifle.

"Okay, this is how the following will happen," the figure started, "You will let go and carefully crawl back from the rifle, slowly push yourself up into a kneeling position with your hands behind your head, interlacing your fingers." As if the figure's commands were never even ordered to her, Isabella said in a firm voice, "No, not today." The figure laughed, "I don't see how you are in any position to refuse or negotiate."

Isabella, without taking her attention from the scene through the rifle scope, told the figure, "I am part of a cause worth dying for," paused for dramatic effect, "Are you?" The figure took a cautious step back, gun still aimed at her head. She allowed a slight smile to form on her lips.

The figure was impressed with how calm and composed this woman was handling this situation. Never moving, not taking her attention from her main task, yet dealing with them in a very confident, almost arrogant manner. Question was, was she bluffing or was there an ace up her sleeve that they couldn't see. The figure scanned around the woman again, under the cot and up towards the billboard above both of them. A few red blinking lights hidden in the shadow of the large advertisement put a small knot into the figure's stomach.

Isabella saw they found her surprise. The figure asked, "Detonator?" She smiled wider, "Deadman switch, wireless trigger and I am laying on it." The figure swallowed hard. She continued, "I am also being watched from a remote location, so, even if you could take me out without setting it off, my friend would complete the task in my....passing."

The figure weighted the possibilities. Isabella drove the intended perception home, repeating these words again, "I am part of a cause worth dying for," another pause, "Have you found one?"

The figure started to slowly back away, gun remained pointing at her. Ever third step, they would perform a quick right shoulder check on the open door behind them, looking for any sign of movement. Isabella remained motionless, but continued to smile. The figure vanished with the closing of the door.

After a few more moments of listening intently, to be sure figure was gone, Isabella physically crashed. The instinctual adrenaline rush just abruptly ended and now, the follow up nervous shakes started. The amount of sweat from this brief encounter, if wrung from her current attire, could revive a dead goldfish in an dry bowl.

"Eagle," It was Sabrina's voice in her left ear that brought her back to reality, "Skybound." Isabella let out a sigh of relief, it was time to pack up and move out. "Copy that, Raven," was the reply.

Sunday, 17 April 2016


The dam offered a fantastic view of the city from the one side and the artificial lake that existed on the other. A few boats, mostly of the sail variety, were bobbing on the fairly calm waters of the reservoir. Sabrina Washington had overheard from some of the locals the fishing here was terrible. That suited her fine, she wasn't very fond of water-caught food anyways.

The hazy sky was appropriate for the cooler day, since a clear blue one always seems to offer a deception of warmer temperatures. A slight breeze had picked up from the reservoir, resulting in Sabrina to turn the collar of her wool jacket up. She glanced at her wrist, the watch hands announced back it had been twenty minutes since she last checked the time. All together, an hour of watching and waiting.

As Sabrina turned on her heel and strolled to the other side of the causeway, her left hand reached for her scarf wrapped around her neck. She tilted her head down, glancing to the left, then to the right, taking in what she saw. A young, seemingly happy couple, was throwing foodstuffs of some kind to the local birds. An older woman, presumably the mother, was pushing a stroller, occupied by a sleeping child. Nobody here raised any kind of suspicion, performing actions very common for the location and time of day.

She squeezed the throat microphone, just underneath the scarf and in a near whisper said, "Eagle, the nest is empty."

From the city side of the damn, atop an apartment building and just below the rooftop billboard, a figure was laying in the prone position. Dressed in head to toe black and peering through the scope of a high powered sniper rifle, their left arm slowly moved, extending a hand towards their own neck.

"Copy Raven," Isabella Riberio replied, keeping Sabrina in the cross-hairs. Isabella was ordinarily a patient person, but after spending over an hour on an apartment roof, wearing less than ideal weather clothing and laying on her stomach the entire time, was more than enough for today already.

Back on the causeway, Sabrina was feeling stood up. The time for the rendezvous had come and gone, even with factoring in a little extra for unforeseen circumstances. She sighed and slowly reached up for her throat again, but some movement from her left caught her attention.

The lone male was approaching, with a clipped, measured pace. Sabrina eyed him from toe to head. Brown causal loafers, faded blue jeans, a faded, matching jean jacket with a wool collar and a brown wool driving cap. However, it was two other things that stood out more than what she got from her quick cursory inspection of him.

First, if he walked just a bit quicker and swung his arms a little higher, he would be parade marching. Secondly, he had bright and piercing blue eyes....