Saturday 1 December 2018

Hey There Holidays

It's that time of the year again and just about all video games titles, be it on PC, portable or console is having some kind of Holiday event. Of course, Armored Warfare is no exception.

However, they have decided to do thing a little different, this time around.

Between December 1st and 25th, players can go to this MyLoot link (assuming they are logged in) and collect a Winter Holidays Gift Box, filled with all kinds of mysterious prizes. I am not sure if the first day is extra long, or there is a time zone error, but the first box was already available on November 30th.

Ooooo....a free premium vehicle?

I have always had my eye on the tier III Object 430 ICE, but never could "bite the bullet" to pick one up, since collecting lower tiered vehicles was as easy as just logging in (most title give them away during special events, like Christmas, New Years and National Holidays). However, I am not going to turn my nose up at a free item....


  1. Is there an advantage to targeting center mass vs the engine compartment aft of the turret?

  2. I find the engine compartment stands a better chance of catching fire, if the shot lands just right (for the slow burning effect). A center of mass shot has the potential of taking out crew members (if that mechanic works on bots in PvE and based on my observations, I think it does).
