Here is a little break from gameplay with some Armored Warfare news, instead.
Starting tomorrow, there will be a maintenance period (no idea how long) and after that, Update 2.0 will finally be available for NA/EU players (subject to any unforeseen circumstances or other mishaps)! Read the announcement here.
Secondly, a teaser about the Storyline Campaign, that will be rolled out with Update 2.0. Although the specific details aren't discussed, here is what was said.
In Armored Warfare, the tier VII T-90 has a lot in common with the tier VIII upgraded T-90A. In reality, they are the same vehicle, since both can trace their roots well proven chassis of the T-72 and the turret with all latest weapon systems of the later developed T-80.
The T-90 is the earlier model in this series, equipped with cast turret, an 850 horsepower diesel engine and good armor protection from composite and metal layered materials. The T-90A has a welded turret, an upgraded 1000 horsepower diesel engine and armored protection has been greatly improved with the addition of the latest generation of external explosive reactive armor (ERA) modules.
However, a simple Google search would bring up many other in-depth articles highlighting the major differences between those two, real life vehicles. I just wanted to cover the basics in this summary.
Besides, I would rather play it than read about it....
An odd occurrence that I almost didn't capture in time in Armored Warfare. I decided to take out my Terminator Reaper to collect some extra credits and this is what Matchmaker gave me in return....
Basilisk is one of the maps I try to avoid playing on in Armored Warfare. It's not because it's a night, corridor map, nor the fact it has one of the most varied and mixed environments (flat areas, hills, a river crossing, buildings, etc) but it can be one of those "bogged down" sceanaries that can lead to a defeat.
Since Update 0.19, the programing for the enemy bots in PvE has been changed and not necessarily for the better. Even on Medium settings, the bots still have their almost "never miss" aim and don't expose themselves to taking needless damage, like before. They are not perfect adversaries, like some think they see in human opponents, but they shouldn't be just brushed off and underestimated neither.
Which leads me to the "bogged down" part. More and more, I am watching teammates trying to maximize their damage tallies and ignoring the fact they could very well be the instrument for the defeat. I am all for trying to get the most out of a battle, but not at the expense of the victory bonus, that little modifier for even minor damage and action rewards on a win.
Far too many games came down to the timer on the verge of running out and players putting a lot of faith in those last few fired shots to end the battle, discovering they came up way too short on the damage rolls to secure the victory.
Seems a lot of players have forgotten what the red circle in the game is for....
Now that I have finished my detour goals in Armored Warfare, it's time to get back on track towards the tier IX T-90MS. The plan going forward is fairly simple, play out my higher tiered premiums to collect credits and Global Reputation, then deploy the tier VIII T-90A for progression purposes.
Not to say I won't be having a little fun along the way....
Eager to play my latest acquisition again in Armored Warfare, I queued up with the Challenger 2 and was rudely disappointed.
First off, this vehicle doesn't have any upgrades unlocked or installed, still factory fresh, more or less. Although I could have used some banked Global Reputation to correct this issue, I made the choice to try and progress through natural gameplay, something I might reconsider. Another serious disadvantage is the untrained crew, except for the top level commander. Being used to the opposite end of the skill spectrum, I am still coming to terms with actions being carried out rather slowly.
However, that only covers myself, not the teams I am placed with. Now, before you think I am going to start blaming others for my performance or make excuses for....whatever, I'm not. But, teamplay can have a cascading effect with everyone involved if players are not working towards common goals, helping out those facing multiple opponents or attempting to complete a difficult task on their own.
Take a look at this and see what I am talking about....
The tier VIII C1 Ariete has become such a fixture in my Armored Warfare garage, it's going feel very different not seeing or using it on a regular basis anymore. One of the nice features about this game is that I don't have to sell old assets to make room for new ones, so despite moving up in the tiers, I will let my Italian performer sit in storage, until needed for another necessary, future task.
With advancing into the two final tiers of a line, a player isn't restricted with their choices on what to get next. As you can see from the graphic above, I could have taken a short cut and completed my original, main goal of parking a tier IX T-90MS in my garage (along with three other options).
Instead, I have made the decision to continue on with the line and purchased the Challenger 2. Part of the reason was being a stickler for "continuity," another is for a sense of completion, since I have spent more time in the Ariete than I had originally planned.
Don't get me wrong, the Ariete is/was a fantastic vehicle, giving me my first, real taste of the intensity of the higher tiers (only shared with the Challenger 1/Wolf Edition) and served me well.
But, progress called, I answered it and I couldn't wait to try it out....
.... and despite what some would have you believe, I think Armored Warfare is still going to be around, long after I finish my long journey for the T-90MS.
Another event in Armored Warfare comes to a close, the Man 'O War Showdown prizes should have been distributed by now, if not by the end of the day.
No doubt, there will be complaints on the forums from those who believed they should have earned these goodies (outside the premium time, for both the winning and defeated factions), others will be bragging, just short of rubbing people's noses in their brief spotlight moment of glory.
As you might have noticed, I didn't put a whole lot of effort in even making a half-hearted attempt for anything other than the premium time. Although I picked the winning faction early on, I knew that some players would be chaining themselves to their chairs to complete this latest marathon, or play with friends in shifts around the clock to secure the top prize for the account (I don't have any proof this actually occurred, but like so many others, I believe this did happen, the top prize would have been too irresistible to some to pass up).
However, if you missed out on collecting a tier VIII premium vehicle from this event and you aren't interested with the ingame offerings, no worries, they have you covered. For a limited time, two are being offered for sale in some pretty expensive bundles, check out the details here.
In the meantime, I figured that since today was the first day for folks to be rolling out in their shiny new prizes, I would make an attempt to capture one in a battle. Sadly, it took three tries to get one on film, but it wasn't the "Green" version I had hoped for....
A few months back, I took the then tier IV Swingfire out for a battle, with disappointing results.
There were a few things I didn't like about that vehicle, such as the non-existent armor and long reload times being at the top of the list. I wasn't too fond of the playstyle required to use the Swingfire more effectively, since I was more of a frontline fighter with a strong reliance on armor protection, at the time.
Now, with the Swingfire moved up to tier VI, the missile mechanics reworked to be more effective than from the pre-Update 0.19 days and my lessons on being a more cautious and supportive player, I figured I would revisit this British machine one more time....
If there is one standout change in Armored Warfare that I have picked up on with Update 0.19, the enemy sure likes to use the AMX-10 RCR. Between that vehicle and the nearly invincible Abrams (frontally speaking), the easier going from days of old feel like they have come....and gone.
A while back, I used my tier VIII premium AMX with what I felt were mixed results, but I was playing under the habits ingrained from the pre-0.19 days too. Although this French Tank Destroyer has fallen a bit out of favor for me, due in part with the changes to the mechanics to it and the current version of the game, I decided to give it another go, inspired by the very bots that are my usual targets on just about every given map.
This time around, I tried a more cautious and less cavalier approach on Raiding Party....
Although it was originally used as a sideline vehicle in Armored Warfare, the tier VIII C1 Ariete has proven to be a surprise favorite. Despite not enjoying the same levels of armor protection of the American Abrams line, nor the hard punch that comes from the Soviet/Russian T-Series, it has been able to hold it's own quite well in conflicts.
However, there are a few things I have noticed since Update 0.19 that make me very glad my adventures in this Italian offering are coming to a close soon.
The amount of damage this vehicle is taking in PvE Hard battles is not on a level shared with other same tiered assets I have used, broken modules can always be counted on to happen and loader injuries pushes up reload times well beyond the glacial times set by the MBT-70.
Part of the issue is the vehicle, the other part lays with the fact enemy bots are, in my opinion, aggressively "over-programed." Even through the use of more conservative and cautious tactics, the Ariete is suffering (at least, by my hands), as can be seen in this recent battle on Watchdog....
Raiding Party is fast becoming one of my favorite new maps in Armored Warfare. Despite some complaints on the forums of PvE mode being too easy, this recently introduced scenario should go a long ways of increasing the playing difficulty level, I hope.
For the longest time, a single person could almost complete all of the secondary objectives on a prior released map and just sit back and relax, collecting damage on enemy bots and rake in the rewards. That's what made "too easy," I suppose. Not so much with Raiding Party where teamwork is key, from everyone involved, for success.
First, the primary and secondary objectives are spread out all over the map and are fairly well protected, requiring a suggested minimum of two player teams to fight their way through to get to the main targets. A solo player would be hard pressed to survive the armed encounters, let alone carry on to the objective itself and the rest of the match.
Second, splitting the tasks at the primary objectives seems to work out very well. While one player is engaged with the enemy bots, the other can take down the mine shaft openings, then join in after to mop up any remaining opposing forces.
I have played on Raiding Party a few times since Update 0.19, but always thought the challenges the map offered could go even higher (despite losing a few times on Medium). I finally got my "wish" when I selected my tier X Leopard 2AX and queued up in PvE Hard....
Part of the fun and/or frustration of playing a video games is coming across bugs, those little bits of error code that can add a element of humor or dread to the virtual experience. Armored Warfare has it's fair share of both outcomes.
One of the more interesting bugs I found was a graphical glitch in the garage and the surrounding base, back in March 2016....
More annoying than gamebreaking, it was addressed rather quickly and appears I was the only one who found it (or, just the only one who posting their findings).
This time, I wasn't alone when this minor change in gameplay was spotted. Here is a short clip of what happened....
After the battle, I took a few minutes to read through the after action report, to see if the purple color all of us turned indicated that we were incorrectly flagged as teamkillers (based on what I have seen in World of Tanks).
It would appear to be nothing more than an odd occurrence, witnessed by a few folks, with no lasting effects.
A few contest and ingame updates from Armored Warfare that have happened, thus far.
First, my choice to go with Hajduk Militia appears to be paying off. Although I won't even come close to qualifying for a "Green" premium T-72B3 for being in the Top 50, I should collect on the decals (for having over the 40 required battles) and large package of Premium Time. Not bad, if I do say so myself.
Next, a little more Gold to add to the bank. With the daily login bonus and the refunds from the Compensation package, after the switch from 0.18 to 0.19, my nest egg for any future purchases is growing, slowly.
Then, to end things off with a decent, but not too spectacular battle in the tier VIII C1 Ariete. Although far from what I would considered a great game, I surprised myself with the results, despite the use of a band-aid to make it happen....
Once again, another event is underway in Armored Warfare and some are not happy about it (including me). It would seem on the RU server, there is an opportunity to earn a special tier IV vehicle to celebrate Victory Day (May 9th in Russia, to commemorate the end of World War II).
However, on the NA/EU forums, the population there has been informed this vehicle is not coming here. Now, that is a real shame. I would have thought, in light of recent and not-so-easily-forgot events, might have been more interested in drawing more new and returning players to the servers and something like this could have very well done that (no forethought into an alternative event that could have been offered at the same time, save for the Man O' War Showdown, with much higher requirements for the prizes).
I couldn't help myself and responded to one of the most absurd of remarks....
One of the rewards for the current Armored Warfare Man O'War Showdown event is a tier VIII premium T-72B3 "Green" MBT. Of course, like previous contests, there is continuing controversy over some posted scores from top tiered players on all three faction teams and things are just getting started.
To add to some of the resentment going on, another event closed with a winner claiming this elusive prize, you can read the comments here.
A lot of fuss over something that isn't real. Besides, folks had an opportunity to purchase this vehicle in both a "Red" and/or "Blue" version up to just a short while ago.
Now, I can understand the mood from some people. As of right now, tier VIII premium options are rather limited. Ingame, there is the AMX 10 RCR (some don't like wheeled Tank Destroyers) and the M1134 ATGM (a tracked multi-missile launcher). The only other premium Main Battle Tank that comes close to fitting the bill is the Challenger 1 Falcon, available in a Collector's Edition on the portal.
Perhaps, my value gamble paid off. This past Christmas I purchased the then tier VI Terminator Reaper, with the knowledge that it would be bumped up to tier VIII for Update 0.19 (despite the reassurances this was going to happen, I still harbored serious doubts they were actually going to follow through on the change).
Although I had previously bought the AMX 10 RCR, the Terminator Reaper has weathered the changes much better in this new era. With the hull and chassis mirroring T-72 qualities and the flexibility of multiple weapons choices, this vehicle is still paying out above acceptable dividends.
Don't get me wrong, I would like to put a T-72B3 or another premium tier VIII MBT in my garage, I am just not nearly as hyped over to spend a pile of real world money or chain myself to the computer for hours on end to do so. I will continue to enter contests, here and there and if I get one, great! If not, oh well and move on.
Until then, I will continue to collect the battle rewards with, what I consider to be, my best high tiered asset I have....
I could have sworn, I finished the tier V Leopard 1A5 long ago and properly, in Armored Warfare.
However, as I was scrolling back through the vehicles in my garage, I noticed either I never did put the Leo into Renown Status (which would have made acquiring the next in line, the tier VI Leopard 2AV rather difficult) or there is a programming error at work.
Nevertheless, it shouldn't take to long to fix this oversight, hopefully for the last time too.
Unlike the previous "Showdown" events, it would seem this time, you might finally be able to earn faction decals. Armored Warfare announced the requirements here and hopefully, it goes off without a hitch.
Contrary to popular belief, a virtual life can be just as unpredictable and perilous as the real experience. The are very few folks on this planet who not only win ever game they ever play, but survive it without any life extension aids. It doesn't matter the genre, circumstances or reasons/excuses, death and defeat comes to everyone.
I say this in light of most of the videos I post about Armored Warfare are happy tales where I am usually on the winning team and most times I live. However, this first game in the uptiered Bradley IFV was a bit of a wake up call for me.
A moment where I let my guard down, thinking it was going to be another "walk in the park" PvE match....
When the premium tier IV AMX-10 PAC 90 was first introduced to Armored Warfare, it wasn't as the amphibious infantry fire support vehicle that had been manufactured in our reality, but as a premium tier IV Tank Destroyer.
Some players would try and make the case this vehicle was over powered in that role, at that tier. Granted, sporting decent mobility to get around and a powerful cannon that made short work of most enemies it was engaged with, but having thin armor was the balancing trade off, a few good incoming shots and the vehicle was done for.
Update 0.19 brought with it a change for the PAC 90, namely a shift in class from a Tank Destroyer to a Light Tank. While the mobility feels untouched, along with any adjustments to the armor, the cannon is where a player will notice the difference....
In the same tradition as the previous "Showdown" events, Armored Warfare and Razer present Man O’War Showdown. Pick a faction, play and collect premium time, win or lose and a chance at a cool looking headset or a tier VIII premium vehicle. All the details are here.
Once again, I picked my side, but I will keep quiet about my choice, until it's over.
When it comes to vehicles with serious levels of armor protection in Armored Warfare, the tier VII Challenger 1 (including the Wolf Edition premium) has been my benchmark. Although I have read the same tiered Merkava IID is quite good too, I don't have first hand experience with it.
So, are there any other vehicles that offer a similar level of....confidence, ingame? My answer would be yes, there is.
Before Update 0.19 came along, I was looking for a stablemate from my Chieftain Mk. VI, something to compliment those mid-tier battles. On paper, the Chinese premium WZ-1224 appeared to suit my requirements and after a few introductory sorties, I was relived I made the right choice.
After Update 0.19, everything changed. In PvE, enemy controlled vehicles not only had the option to use missiles, now more devastating than before, but seem to almost use them exclusively. Since they pack more of a punch then normal shells, I thought I would take another look at the WZ-1124, given it's new parameters.
The WZ-1224 underwent a few changes, like armor and damage adjustments, adjustments that needed to be made for it's new position as a tier VI MBT. Once again, on paper it looks better than it was before, but how does it hold up under these new battle conditions....
It had been months since I last played Final Fire, so I decided to see what has changed from when I was there last. First off, a rather large update, no doubt to introduce new ingame models and clean up some older ones. Perhaps, a new map or two?
The old Arctic camouflage Leopard 2 loading screen is gone, now replaced with something a little more familiar to the Chinese playerbase. Fantastic detail in this picture, but I wonder if this translates to any visual updates in the game itself?
In all of my button clicking (ingame inboxes with daily login bonuses and other rewards), I seemed to have acquired a Type 88B (or is it a ZTZ88B, some might say there really isn't any difference between the two). Not sure if it's a rental or permanent keeper, so I queued up for a battle....
....after a short wait, I realized that it was just after 2:00 pm Pacific Time and nobody would be on the Chinese servers.
With all of the changes that Update 0.19 brought to Armored Warfare, I finally stumbled across my first serious disappointment.
I have already experienced the difference in playstyle between using Main Battle Tanks and Tank Destroyers in previous versions, I queued up a "steal of a deal" premium purchase from last year, my excitedly acquired tier VIII AMX-10RCR.
This vehicle was an instant hit for me, dealing out explosive damage and sporting exceptional stealth capabilities. Here was an article I wrote about both the real life and ingame version, pre-update.
Needless to say, I grew rather fond of the AMX, it's former characteristics and performance results.
Now, after the first battle post-patch, that fondness is being seriously tested.
I noticed right of the bat, the cannon wasn't hitting nearly as hard as before. Punching through enemy armor wasn't so much of a sure thing and the damage inflicted was now on the lower end of a scale I was used to seeing. Although I never put too much faith in the AMX's armor, it was able to deflect the odd shot before, now it's even more unreliable.
The stealthy attributes it used to have feel like they have been watered down too. Enemy vehicles didn't appear to have too much difficulty in locating and taking shots at me. Another occurrence that surprised me was taking tire damage. Not only did it feel like forever to get a flat fixed, but I was severely hampered by ridiculously slow speeds, with no compensation from the other five tires that were still holding air.
Anyhow, to put these words into a more visual context, check out the first battle here....
Players in Armored Warfare who won as a prize or bought the premium tier VI MBT-70 have a love/hate relationship with this vehicle.
Before Update 0.19, this particular asset suffered from a terribly long aim time and equally glacial reload period. Other shortcomings were inconsistent armor coverage and questionable accuracy. Through a careful selection of retrofits and crew skill choices (the MERC Edition gives a player an advantage of offering a top level crew, making those skill much easier to attain), a lot of these issues were mitigated rather well, but didn't fully cure the ailing patient.
However, not all was bad with this vehicle, it was quick to get around the area of operations and the turret almost turn-snapped in the desired viewing direction. Best of all, when the main cannon was fired and the shells did it their targets just right, the enemy on the receiving end didn't last very long.
Although I don't have the exact number in front of me right now, I know that my MBT-70 MERC is the most played premium vehicle from my garage and not only did I notice the changes immediately during this particular battle, I think they are good....