Sunday, 29 December 2019

American Contract, A Mostly British Machine

I have it on good authority the closest items to a free Christmas vehicles this season in Armored Warfare will be the tier IX Chinese QN-506 and that will be only a three day rental (watch during the last two days of the current Winter Calendar), which is on par with the past offerings, the Challenger 1 Wolf for Day 13 and the AMX 10RCR for Day 19.

Although some would be quick to point out the current American Dream Battle Path, where no less than six permanent premium vehicles can be earned, should be more than enough. However, I think a "token" vehicle, with no effort or strings attached, would have been a nice gesture given the time of year.

Instead of brooding over that situation, I decided to cash in the American Contract (and spend 700 Gold for the bottom two missions, since they want PvP requirements to be met) and see what new things I will get....

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