Monday 25 January 2016

When time comes full circle

Shortly after arriving in Armored Warfare, I took a look around at things a set out one of my first goals

Since it was the giveaway of a Soviet Tank, the tier III Soviet T-62 Veteran, that brought me into the game, I thought I would continue up the line to the tier IX T-90MS. While I had gotten used to playing tanks of the same nation, albeit a different era in World of Tanks, part of me believed some of those same attributes might just carry over to a new game and different time period. Shockingly, I was correct.

Many years ago, I was fortunate enough to find and install a mod for a popular game at the time, Battlefield 1942, which updated just about everything from the World War Two era the game was built on and brought it into modern times. So popular was this Desert Combat mod, that Electronic Arts hired the modders and laid the foundation for future BF titles, starting with Battlefield 2.

Not only was the mod a welcome change from the flooded market of WWII games, it was also my first taste of serious online gaming. I joined my first groups/clans and helped start another. Voice chat and coordinated tactics, the yells of victory and cries of defeats. But, sitting here now, reliving some good memories of days gone by, brings me back to the present. It was this modified game that introduced me to Soviet Tanks.

While everybody else was scrambling over each other to acquire a American M1 Abrams tank from their spawn points, I would go for a leisurely stroll and hop into one of the plentiful Iraqi T-72's that were laying about. Well, somebody had to play the bad guy, why not me?

As interest and the population of the playerbase declined in BF1942/DC, there was a bit of a vacuum in tank games for me. Then, some of my old friends from those early days were talking about this Arty guy in World of Tanks. Not only did it turn out that Arty wasn't a guy at all, but a constant pain in the butt, I got suckered into a new tank game. Naturally, the first line I went up was, yup, you guessed right....

Which brings me back, full circle, to the here and now. Although I haven't put a tier IX T-90MS in my garage just yet, I did pass over into tier V and picked up an old friend, the T-72 Ural.

So, the grind towards my goal continues and I am reliving some old, good memories and making some new ones along the way.

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