Wednesday 20 January 2016

Time to recontemplate things

It's been a while since my last post here, real life catching up and taking over the little free time I do have (and the odd side project, here and there). However, I did find a few moments to take a hard, long look at Tanks and the games with them I do play.

I decided to put War Thunder Ground Forces on the chopping block. My reasons; time to trim down the games and with GF, it is such a radical departure from both World of Tanks and Armored Warfare in terms of mechanics, gui and a few other things. Every time I jump into a battle over there, it's almost like I have to relearn a great many things, weakspots on tanks, viewing distances and mechanics that govern them, etc. Plus, some of the contests and events are grind fests, where I just don't have enough time to attempt them for the prizes.

World of Tanks is on the back burner, I will login to collect the odd, easy to attain reward, gift, etc. Perhaps, a few games to keep the rust off might not be a bad idea, but I am looking at spending more focus elsewhere.

Which brings me to Armored Warfare. Out of the three titles and while being more than a little similar to WOT, it brings a certain freshness, newness to it. Some may argue that it's nothing more than WOT, repackaged in the modern era. From one perspective, I can see how they came to this conclusion. For me, it's an escape from a mostly World War Two dominated combat game environment.

I know, from reading the AW forums there is a large number of players that are playing, much like I was, multiple Tank titles, but there is also quite a few who want to play WOT and leave the last great war as a setting behind. WWII is looking more like a "been there, overdone that" time period now, especially in gaming and it's time to move closer to this generation.

A great example of this can be applied to Call of Duty. The first few in the series were WWII shooters and did quite well commercially. Then, along came the Modern Warfare spinoffs and blew the roof off the franchise, still being carried today by the Black Ops continuation.

So, Armored Warfare will be the main, World of Tanks will be the back up and War Thunder Ground Forces will be retired. Now, just to stick to my word....

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