Monday 21 January 2019

Writing On The Wall?

The whole Armored Warfare experience has changed in a very big way and that has raised my concern level about the future of the community and the very game itself.

For some time now, has been pushing the use of their official Armored Warfare Discord service and now the final nail has been driven into the coffin for the forums. However, it's only the NA/EU regions that are affected, the RU forums are still running with no announcement mirroring any discontinuation of service there (I find it rather ironic that Drew is the one who posted the close down of the forums, since he was a big part of the last MMO I enjoyed for many years, Need for Speed World, which shut the game down first, then the forums quite some time later).

The bigger question I am asking myself: why?

Armored Warfare lost money in 2018, so could this be an attempt to cut costs? Although I am not an expert, but I seriously doubt turning off the NA/EU forums is going to save them any significant amount of funds for improving the game and/or other services associated with it.

As for Discord, I am not overly interesting in using that as my source of information and asking questions. Unlike the forums, there isn't a powerful search function and it's archive capabilities are nothing more than a scrolling-in-hopes-I-find-what-I-am-looking-for waste of time.

I guess for now, I will just use the game portal in the client to keep me up to date on what's going on and coming up, along with checking out translations from the RU forums for additional information.

Even after I discovered (and contemplated) this today, I proceeded to make a video on the final chapter of Caribbean Crisis. However, I couldn't and can't shake this uneasy feeling about the untold future that's coming....

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