Monday 20 February 2017

Desert Chieftain

For the most part, I like to play in the upper tiers in Armored Warfare and spend the majority of my time in PvE (since PvP is mostly an empty wasteland and Global Operations has an elusive, sporadic population at best). As of right now, I don't have very many premiums below tier VI (my own benchmark of where the upper tiers begin) and I am not currently grinding out any new vehicle lines, but I do on occasion drop down and see what's going on with new and less experienced players.

Unlike some, I am not playing in the mid to low tiers to "pad my stats" nor horde in on some easy action, I am genuinely curious to see how possible "future stars" of the game are getting on with things, like being self orientated with the current selection of maps and how they handle their vehicles. Some of them show great promise and I hope they stick with the game, perhaps even crossing over into PvP, when it becomes more viable for competitive play in the future.

As for using the Chieftain Mk. VI into this foray, I wanted to roll out in a vehicle that I actually liked from the mid to low tiers and I have a long, comfortable history with this British icon. Plus, earning a modest amount of credits and reputation for taking a sightseeing tour is always a good thing.

The downside is I had to use the built in video recorder bundled with the Armored Warfare client, GeForce ShadowPlay has been having some issues....

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