After a day of errors, miscommunication and who knows what else went on behind the scenes, the weekend special finally got under way. Read how it was supposed to happen here
Ah yes, there they are! My plan was simple, I wanted to see how close I could get to getting out of the tier IV M60A2 Starship, a tank I am not too overly fond of, in the five battles to collect the extra bonus to be distributed on 16 February. With slow reload times, only HEAT and ATGM's as ordinance options (a tad bit ugly, if I do say so myself), I had enough of this vehicle. If I wanted to use a vehicle with similar attributes that was worth more my while, I have my MBT-70 for that.
The first battle was off to a stellar start, pulling Operation:Umbrella from the medium mission rotation. A quick disconnect and rejoin cleared up this persistent bug.
Much to my surprise, I arrived back in time to collect some healthy returns, despite the low killcount.
Things you see ingame, is what I was thinking when I snapped this shot.
Although is was another medium mission, the artificial foes put up a much better offensive than some other battles I have experienced on the same level. I died, but I went out swinging.
Next mission and I change up my playstyle slightly. Getting myself killed last round impressed upon me to play a little more to the conservative side. Still, even with changing things up, I came out as one of the top performers from this battle.
The conservative playstyle carried over to what would be, the last battle. The comment made from a teammate gave me a slight chuckle.
So, after only four battles with the weekend bonuses running, I completed my task of finishing off the Starship grind. However, I still needed one more sortie for the boost package to be handed out on the 16th.
I was seriously dreading seeing Operation: Umbrella popup, thinking I was going to have to go through the motions that started this little ride. Much to my pleasant, it loaded just like it always should.
I figured my tier V T-72 needed some love, since it is the Valentine Weekend, so it was to be the last tank used in this five battle series. I was tempted, before picking the Starship, to put a bit of a power grind to the Ural, but I rather like playing with this tank and will allow the natural, unaccelerated course of normal gameplay take place. Well, except for this one battle.

In the end, I got my five required missions completed, finished off the Starship and gave the Ural a good shot of reputation towards the next in tier. Not bad for an hour and ten minutes.
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