Saturday, 20 February 2016

100th Post!

A minor or major milestone, depending on how you look at it. 100 posts, 3632 views (thank you for that, really!) and almost 90 days since the beginning.

So, what to talk about on this occasion? Well, I did have a few ideas based on gameplay and/or commanders, but I figured I would cover tonight's platooned adventures with F50ACE in some high tier action. With today being the last day of the Wölfli’s Gold Rush, the final hours before the event expires might bring about some good activities and action.

F50ACE and I fought quite a few battles in the limited time we had left from this special, so covering all of them would be an exhaustive enterprise. So, I will focus on a few from Operation: Banshee, a map that has earned a reputation among many in the Armored Warfare community.

A fair ways into our first foray and the team was bogged down, with our Leopard 2 never connecting.

While the Challenger 1 was able to take on whatever the enemy team could throw at it, I was having a somewhat difficult time dealing it back. Just slow on the response times and collecting so few kills to show for it.

Although the team finally broke through, our capping attempt came too late.

Based on F50ACE's advice, it was time to experiment with something I hadn't before; consumables. Before this, I just ran the tanks with their upgrades and retrofits, playing it as if I was in a PvP environment, allowing the natural course of action take place with the men and machine.

However, I was easily persuaded to give them a try, since I ran out of ammo on the first adventure, at a very critical time when having a few more shells could have made the difference. I followed the advice given and kitted out the Challenger as directed.

Hmmm....this looks familiar. However, this time things would be very different.

This team didn't get bogged down, maintaining a fairly steady push.

Already, I was dishing out much more than I was taking in return.

Secondary objectives were made a priority, not just an extra bonus from the conflict.

Best of all, our capping attempt had time to spare. Funny thing, I just ran out of ammo again, finger right over the consumable button as the match ended.

So, there you have it. A victory and a defeat on the same map, with two totally different teams and only myself and F50ACE is the constant variable. Rolling out with my top tiered tank, on a few very challenging encounters, with a good friend along side, made this a very worthwhile occasion.

I suppose if I wanted to end things on a low note, this would be the way to do it. 

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