Sunday, 7 February 2016

Fight the night

Despite picking a certain difficultly level for a mission, another factor comes into play which nobody has any control over in Armored Warfare; MatchMaker. Sometimes, the top tier is the same as whatever vehicle I have brought, other times, it's higher. Although I have tried to select the same tiered vehicles as my platoonmate when doing so, playing solo leaves one at the mercy of what is being played by others.

This battle was going to be determined by a pair of tier VI Leopards 2AV ICE, not so much the outcome, but how they influenced what artificial opponents we would all face. The top screenshots show that I took care of a wounded T-72A, the tier VI after the T-72 Ural I was using, so that's not so bad. Also, the freshly spotted Stingray wasn't going to give us too much trouble.

This is where the sweat factor starts to come into play. Although it's labeled as a fragile Challenger 1, don't breathe a sigh of relief just yet. Coming in at tier VII, this tank, even being controlled by a computer program, shouldn't be dismissed as an easy target. And, it would seem the armor can still deflect a good number of shots, so careful aims still applies, just as it would against a human controlled vehicle.

Leopard 2A6, a tier IX monster and compared to the relatively stock tier V punching bag I was driving, I had my work cut out for me. I got lucky with the fact this game ender didn't take notice of me, since I had teammates providing an effective distraction. Not to make a situation sound falsely glorious, I was struggling to penetrate the Leo's armor and deliver effective damage. My teammates were a little too busy to help me out, since they were dealing with a tier VII T-80, so I was left alone to deal with my bad cat situation.

Despite the difficulties, the team came together and pulled off a win, although we did lose a man along the way. Honestly, I was somewhat disappointed with the results. For some odd reason, I was expecting certain numbers to be higher.

Okay, this next match gave me some higher numbers, but not quite the ones I was hoping for.

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