Tuesday, 16 February 2016

A rough day at the office

Day 2 of Wölfli’s Gold Rush and the first dedicated day of running my tier V Leopard 1A5.

Although I did run it earlier, before the event started, to get a better feel of how it would perform and adjust my playstyle as best I could. I have discovered this Leopard can't take the hits like my tier VI 2AV ICE, but more about that in a bit.

One of the battles I got into during this series was Operation: Starry Night. Now, I have been keeping a careful eye on this particular map, watching how certain players with familiar names have been able to rack up a lot of damage and a decent killcount. Here is what I have learned and tried out, for myself.

First, no matter where you spawn, drive back until you find the columns on the outside of the town centre plaza and smash through them. A: it brings the enemy forces to you and better control the cap zone. B: excellent protection from enemy artillery. 

The second position is driving straight north, like it shows on the mini-map. Look for a bathtub beside the house, roll over top of it and start shooting.

The final position is this collection of rocks near the bridge. Park and shot, move only when you absolutely need to. Everytime I got this map tonight, this is what I did, with bankable results.

This battle didn't go so well for me. Slow to get into decent positions, slow on the firing and right after this message popped up, I died reading it. Yeah, not a stellar game.

However, after all of that, I put in my five battles and read through the funny faux pas in the announcement.

I knew the 1A5 felt softer than my 2AC ICE, this merely confirmed it for me.

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