I mentioned in another post that Armored Warfare was having an April's Fools special.
Keeping my wallet shut on the items that cost real money, I decided to cash in on the free stuff instead. As much as some of you might be curious to what the April's Fools decals are, let me spare your eyes on those images (trust me, I am doing you a favor here).
The other items? Well, let's have a look at those, starting with the Type 99A2-140 crate....
Wow, an Oplot BM rental....I am not surprised. Speaking of that, up next up are the Oplot BM crates....
The only items of value to me is the 600 Gold and 10x Field Rebuild Kits. To finish this off, the Armata 152 crates....
Gadzooks, an Object 640 rental!
Yeah, it's a good thing I swore to never buy these loot crates with real money, I hardly make any good returns on the free ones.