Wednesday 9 August 2017

Burned Out

Now that I have completed Episode 2 of the Storyline Campaign in Armored Warfare and before they decide to launch Episode 3, or another bonus mission requiring me to use more vehicles I am not interested in at this time, I want to knock out some progress on my original goal.

I have allowed myself to be detoured, distracted and any other words that fit, starting with the letter D, from remaining totally dedicated and focused on putting a tier IX T-90MS into my garage. However, I have always come back to chip away a little more towards acquiring that machine, despite the temptations and attractions.

Perhaps, I should have waited a day or two before jumping back on that bandwagon. With my recent binge playing to complete Episode 2 and not nearly getting enough sleep the night before, I was rather disappointed with my first outing in an old favorite....

If you are looking at news, leaks and other things that have Armored Warfare related information, be sure to check out Armedbushido's blog at

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