Wednesday 1 March 2017

I want my fun back!

Perhaps it's the mood on the forums that I am allowing to affect me, or seeing the serious the lack of players in queue, but playing Armored Warfare doesn't feel like a fun thing to do these days.

Although I have set out very minimal, but progressive goals, such as continuing to advance through both the tier VIII Ariete and tier VI Leopard 2AV, it is taking a lot of conscience effort to load the game up and shake off this feeling I am performing some self-imposed, perpetual chore.

Some might chime in with switching over to PvP mode, just to change things up a bit. Sadly, any time I queue up, there is never enough people to put a match together. Global Operations shares all of these same conditions as well.

PvE has been the only mode to offer any sign the game is still alive. I have been lucky with timing that my wait in queue hasn't been a long and intolerant experience. Despite the fact this is the environment where I have spent most of my time, even now the pull to play here isn't nearly as strong as it used to be.

However, that doesn't mean I don't have some interesting battles....

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