Thursday 12 September 2019

Gold Digging To Surprise Termination

Well, I have collected enough Gold for what I would consider to be a minimum threshold for a new, high tiered premium vehicle in Armored Warfare.

For the full price of 14k Gold, I could park a premium tier IX Leclerc T40 in my garage. From the moment I heard, way back when now, that this "French Terminator" was coming to Armored Warfare, I was very excited to see it in battle and held on to serious considerations to acquire one. Now that I have enough to get one, I find myself looking at any other options (influenced by the fact I spent under $12.00 CDN for the tier VIII M-95 Degman premium MBT).

A machine that is currently "In Development" has piqued my interest on a higher level than the Leclerc T40 is the Stryker ADATS. Now, anybody has been following my content for some time will know I have a "soft spot" for wheeled vehicles and this version of the Stryker would make a very nice addition to to my upper tier premiums.

According to this article, the Stryker ADATS will be an earnable premium, much in the same fashion of how I picked up the tier VII ZUBR PSP. It is also a forgone conclusion that it will be more that 300 points to collect one, but if the "quick complete" for Gold is reasonable enough, it could be a cheaper vehicle than the Leclerc T40. I will give my thoughts when the new campaign starts and I see what is really required to get one.

Now, I could bypass the waiting part, dive deep into my wallet and buy what is being called the "Chinese Terminator," solely on the sales pitch alone. First, no stats on the vehicle? Second, the steep real world price? Third (now this is based on the time of this posting), no gameplay video or review from a credible content creator?  I think I will just take the free stuff and pass on this deal.

However, I did play the very vehicle that inspired the Chinese QN-506, the tier IX Terminator 2....

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