Monday 10 December 2018

Pause and Prose

There are a few things about Update 0.27 for Armored Warfare I like and few I am not too keen about. One of the better improved features is the lighting, take this screenshot of my tier VIII Polish premium Rosomak M1M for example.

One thing I am going to do for the next while is curb my spending on the Hades Mission. At five million credits per "skip a turn," I will eventually deplete my remaining funds and won't be able to afford repairs and rearmament after battles.

However, with the new Mission available (when the PvE option pops up), I can slowly build up the Credit Bank to resume my Hades spending habit and make some progress while doing so.

The Holiday Gift Boxes have delivered some disappointing prizes, but I hold out hope there will be another premium vehicle given out before this event concludes.

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