Saturday 5 December 2015

A slow gain of numbers

Today's session in Armored Warfare had two simple goals, collect enough PvP wins to secure a spot in the second round Black Friday Lottery....

....combined with my three victories from yesterday, I hope this entry will be enough for consideration. I will know for sure sometime after the 6th of December, a winners list should be posted on the main site, much like last time.

The second part was a split goal. Choosing my hardly used Commander, Sabrina Washington, I figured I would kill two birds with one stone. I pulled her from the Wolfli selections and put her into both the T-62 Veteran and MBT-70 MERC for training. At the same time, try and inch my credits up, get a little closer to purchasing the tier V Chieftain Mk. 5.

I put both tanks through the PvE Daily Missions and ended this session on a high note. Despite the last battle not being one of my more stellar performances, I have had worse games, with much poorer results.

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