Thursday 12 January 2017

Complacency breeds Carelessness

Although the strongest rumors surrounding the next update for Armored Warfare is to take place in February, the above screenshot from the Public Test Server has me focusing a little more on completing the journey through the T-80 and put a T-90 in my garage, before the big switch-over.

I am almost afraid to ask if I would get the new tier VII T-90 and the re-designated, same tiered T-80U, just by having only the current version T-80 when the changes finally occur. Not even going to figure out the confusing T-90 to T-90A metamorphosis....

In the here and now, I will just push through the normal progression towards the T-90 and should last minute news comes up the big changes have been accelerated, I have enough Global Reputation to complete the task and more than enough credits to make the purchase.

I don't know just how tired or careless I was when I played this particular battle, but I admit I was very sloppy and seriously underestimated these bots during this Hard PvE engagement....

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