Friday 29 April 2016

If you can't beat them....

So, after taking a hard, long look at the last PvP battle with my premium tier V Chieftain Mk VI I decided to purchase a small amount of gold to add something new to my garage.

Where I went wrong with my Chief was by not trying to push the corner, in a more aggressive attempt to flank the two enemy 1224's that were holding me back. Under the onslaught, my armor wouldn't hold out for very long, especially without support. The second part, I was having a very difficult time dealing out any significant damage to them, but I did hurt them a little.

Since I think I have more success with vehicles that use thicker armor is their main attribute, I decided that I should put one from the same category into the mid tiers. Plus, with a sale on, why not?

Already, the 1224 appears to have a lot of what I am looking for, but this is something I have known for quite a while now

Needless to say, I finally took the plunge and got one. However, it is more so for those adventures in PvP land than fighting against bots, since I found my performance in the Chief....disappointing, to say the least.

That first battle with my new 1224 was a disaster, but I know where I did a great many things wrong. First, I overlooked or took for granted, depending on how you look at things, my crew. Up until now, I have only acquired special edition premiums, blessed with level 5 crews, just waiting to be trained. I don't get that luxury with the 1224, they start with nothing.

Secondly and most importantly, I just played recklessly. I was overconfident with having thicker frontal armor and allowed myself to falsely believe I was unstoppable. Much like how I operate my Challenger 1/Challenger 1 WOLF.

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